Saturday, December 26, 2009

Might as well sail since no snow!

We've now gone past the shortest day of the year- which means that as the days get longer we get ever closer to sites like this lining the shores of Camp Easton. It won't be long now!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

800 Cub Scouts coming this weekend!!!!!!!!

Yup- if weather holds decent we should see 800 people in camp this Saturday. Parking is always a chore for this event, but hopefully will be a bit alleviated as several of them will be cruising on one of the lake resort boats this year. Lucky for them!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Camp Easton Promo video

Here's a link to the new Camp Easton promotional video. Very well done and very good preview of Camp Easton.

Thank you Gibby Media Group for your continued support of our programs!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Camp Ends today

That's right boys- it's time to get the gunk cleaned out of your ears and get back to the confines of civilization. 2009 Summer Camp season ends today. The last of the campers will be making their journeys home and the staff will grind away at the weighty task of inventorying and putting camp away for another year. But fear not! Life at Camp Easton continues. Check back from time to time and we'll keep you updated on weekend activities and projects going on at camp.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Staff Enthusiasms

A video of the limitless energy of the Camp Easton Staff...

More waterfront fun

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Evening thunderstorms

Scattered thundershowers the last 24 hours have been both majestic and refreshing

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wyatt... Wyatt Earp

Our shotgun director, Wyatt Earp, ready for another day of work.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Video of Abe at Flags

Our Camp Director "Abe" (because he looks a lot like Abe Lincoln) gives us a quick moment during morning and evening flags to share some history or a parable with us. Thanks Abe!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Meeting of the Directors

Camp Director and Nature Director working through the hows and whats of the Camp Easton nature area.

Monday, July 13, 2009

We wish you Godspeed- Zerin!

(Zerin on the left)

Yes, the date stamp on these photos is 2005. On this photo, Zerin is third from the left. A couple weeks ago, while on a mission trip in Colorado, Zerin broke his neck. Each minute and each day gets better for Zerin as he teaches his body to move again. With a smile like that- you can imagine his drive to heal is... well... enthusiastic to say the least! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May the spirit of Camp Easton be with you, Zerin!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Inflatable slide

Can you make it to the top of the summit?! a thrilling slide ride to the trampoline awaits you on the other side if you can make it!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Video of campfire show preparations

Here's video of the staff hard at work planning their spectacular opening show.

The first campers showed up today. They were greeted with a cold rainy day in the Northwest. Our troop from Hawaii put in a request for MUCH warmer weather soon! The rain up to this point has been quite unusual. The forest is much 'lusher' than it normally is at the start of summer camp.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

War Canoe in action

Our exempary waterfront staff heading out for an overnighter to Mica Bay in one of the 34 foot war canoes.

The boss lends a hand

Here is our council program director wondering if he needs to hold these tent lines all summer...

A few of the staff take a much needed break from the relentless hours of training.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rain at camp today

A refreshing evening thunderstorm
has given the Camp Easton forest
a much needed drink of water.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer Camp season starts today for Camp Easton!

Over the last few hours, the fine 2009 staff has been working themselves out of their comfortable "home-sweet-home" beds, beds they won't get back to for 8 weeks and after what was surely a restless evening full of anticipation- they are packing the last of their worldly needs and making the pilgrimage to camp.

This next week will be hard work for them. They will prepare the camp and themselves for a spectacular show. They'll train, they'll sweat, they'll muster ways to make a difference in the life of young scouts.

Our program director declares-"This is exciting!!!"