Saturday, December 26, 2009

Might as well sail since no snow!

We've now gone past the shortest day of the year- which means that as the days get longer we get ever closer to sites like this lining the shores of Camp Easton. It won't be long now!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

800 Cub Scouts coming this weekend!!!!!!!!

Yup- if weather holds decent we should see 800 people in camp this Saturday. Parking is always a chore for this event, but hopefully will be a bit alleviated as several of them will be cruising on one of the lake resort boats this year. Lucky for them!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Camp Easton Promo video

Here's a link to the new Camp Easton promotional video. Very well done and very good preview of Camp Easton.

Thank you Gibby Media Group for your continued support of our programs!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Summer Camp Ends today

That's right boys- it's time to get the gunk cleaned out of your ears and get back to the confines of civilization. 2009 Summer Camp season ends today. The last of the campers will be making their journeys home and the staff will grind away at the weighty task of inventorying and putting camp away for another year. But fear not! Life at Camp Easton continues. Check back from time to time and we'll keep you updated on weekend activities and projects going on at camp.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Staff Enthusiasms

A video of the limitless energy of the Camp Easton Staff...